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Feilmelding: USB musen slutter å fungere når jeg kopierer filer fra CD-rom.
OS: Windows XP Professional (hahahaha)
Hack: Plugg ut musen, vent litt, og plugg den inn igjen.

read flit_'s weBLog | flit_, 4:33 am (78 reads)
"Windows has installed a new device and needs to restart"

Og hva var saa den nye enheten: En USB-penn.
Pokkers idiotiske "bare bruke proprietaer windows software" foreleser.
read flit_'s weBLog | flit_, 12:09 am (75 reads)
OL har ikke engang startet, og jeg er allerde lei hele greia ...lovende

read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 9:31 pm (56 reads)
BBC Radio 4 will be broadcasting its adaptation of Small Gods at
23.00-23.30 on 28th February, 7th, 14th and 21st March. It has been
dramatised by Robin Brooks, directed by Gordon House and produced by
Claire Grove. You should be able to listen to it on the web via the
listen again system.
read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 9:15 am (49 reads)
Ser at Brann tenker langsiktig....

TRONDHEIM: Etter det Trønder-Avisa har grunn til å tro er Brann i ferd med å gjøre et forsøk på å lokke Vidar Riseth (33) fra Trondheim til Bergen.

Hverken sportsdirektør Rune Bratseth i Rosenborg eller Per-Ove Ludvigsen, sportslig leder i Brann, vil kommentere saken, men bergensklubben skal allerede ha kommet med et bud på Rosenborgs midtstopper.
– Dette har jeg ingen kommentarer til, sier Bratseth.
read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 9:04 am (197 reads)

Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett present New Year's resolutions of the demon Crowley and the angelic Aziraphale — characters in Good Omens, publishing in February 2006...

Resolution #1: I must accept that Super-Gluing valuable coins to the sidewalk and then watching events from a nearby café is not proper demonic activity.

Resolution #2: The same applies to rearranging the letters on wayside pulpits.
Resolution #3: Try to come up with something as good as cell phone ringtones, following one last stab at convincing Downstairs that cell phone ringtones are right up there in the whole Human Misery stakes. And iPods. Has anybody Down There even said thank you for iPods? Or "Googling yourself?" Frankly, I deserve some kind of award for "Googling yourself."

Resolution #4: I must encourage greedy people to use the term, "Low-hanging fruit," because that's just like old times.
Resolution #5: This year, I will get a desk near the window.

Resolution #6: I will try to understand why Hell is a no-smoking area. I just think it's ridiculous having to stand around outside the gates, that's all.
Resolution #7: On the orders of Head Office I will encourage the belief in Intelligent Design, because it upsets everyone.

Resolution #8: Stop Googling myself.

Resolution #1: Spread peace and love and glad tidings of great joy throughout the world. Also try to get out more.
Resolution #2: I will be charitable to people who use the term "core values," however difficult this may be.

Resolution #3: Notwithstanding Resolution #2 (above), I will redouble my efforts to have the utterance of the phrase "core values" classified as a deadly sin. I believe Himself is with me on this one.
Resolution #4: I will try to be nicer to the customers. They want to buy books; I want to sell them. It can't be that hard. (Memo to self: Regular opening hours? Mark prices on books?)

Resolution #5: I will try to be polite to Gabriel, no matter what the provocation.
Resolution #6: Find out exactly what an "Internet" is.

Resolution #7: Really must resume dancing lessons. Learn the "Galloping Major," the "Gay Gordons," the "Mashed Potatoes." Possibly even the "Twist"?
Resolution #8: Thwart Infernal Wiles (ongoing).

Resolution #9: I will try to understand why Heaven is a non-smoking area.
Resolution #10: On the orders of Head Office I will encourage the belief in Intelligent Design – despite the fact that the human airway crosses the digestive tract. Who thought that was intelligent?

Resolution #11: Feed the ducks.
read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 12:51 pm (50 reads)
Det ser ut til at BBC skal lage en TV-serie av Johnny and the bomb
Kan bli morsomt
read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 12:46 pm (50 reads)
Dere har all min respekt og beundring
read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 10:45 pm (54 reads)
Tanken på at jeg sikkert er forventet å jobbe og sånn når jeg kommer hjem har slått meg, og med det i tankene har jeg så smått begynt å surfe innom websider for diverse firma. Jeg skjønner at det har vært litt trått for konsulentfirmaene i det siste, men det burde da være mulig å ansette noen som har litt peiling på norsk og sånt.

Hos TietoEnator kan du registrere deg for å finne ut om ledige jobber, tror jeg:
"Definer den jobb profilen du er interessert i, og oppgi din mail addresse. Når det er en jobb åpning som matcher dine kriterier, vil du motta en melding per mail. Etter at du har abonnert på Careers Watch vil du motta en brukerid og et passord per mail. Med dette kan du oppdatere og ta vekk din Careers Watch. Du kan kun ha en Careers Watch per mail adresse. Trykk CTRL for å velge flere kriterier fra den samme listen."

Det virker jo som et profesjonelt firma og sånn...
read flit_'s weBLog | flit_, 12:50 pm (119 reads)
Thea Kristine har fått LSK skjerf og (gargl) Cupfinele CD'er fra noen intet anende mennesker som sannsyneligvis ikke vet bedre.

read PulBs's weBLog | PulBs, 12:18 am (75 reads)

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